A mission of the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
"Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; and you will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.
(Isaiah 58:10-11)
“Identity is cause;
brand is effect.”
Mission Statement
“Providing Food and clothes to those in need, and resources through community agencies, in an atmosphere of dignity and respect”
The Center
Located in Visalia, the Bethlehem Center is one of the only dining halls that provides hot food prepared daily. Also providing Visalia’s needy families of the community with pantry food boxes. The Bethlehem Center is one of few places that needy families can turn to in time of need; Reaching out to those without a house to live in, by offering clothing to its impoverished population. Through the help of volunteers and everyday people from the community, the Bethlehem Center is able to help
The Bethlehem Center is a mission of the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish in Visalia dedicated to provide food and clothing to those in need in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Meals are served in our dining hall 7 days a week 365 day a year. Meals are served twice a day.
Pantry food is also offered at our in-take office located at the Bethlehem Center.Hygiene packets and clothing are offered to the Homeless of the Visalia Community. Needy families of the community are able to receive laundry service.